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Release Your Past

Heal Your Present







Hi, I'm Judith! 



I'm a Clairvoyant Medium, Past Life Regression Therapist, Spiritual Teacher & #1 bestselling Spiritual Author, who has helped thousands of clients from around the globe. I help people who need guidance, clarity and direction in their lives, as well as bringing evidential messages from our loved ones in Spirit World; which not only proves the existence of life after death, but also helps to heal our grief. I also teach all aspects of spirituality, and help you to heal your emotional wounds from your past so you can live fearlessly and fulfil your highest potential in life through my 'AWAKENING' Spiritual Transformation & Healing Program...


How I Can Help You​

(click on service required)




Ignite Your Future

As Featured In


Welcome to my world!
Do you feel lost in your life right now?

Whether you're struggling with your personal life or your business, I can help you:

  • Get solutions to the immediate problems in all areas of your life / business

  • Gain clear direction for your future path

  • Receive messages and guidance from spirit world

  • Overcome fears, and remove limiting beliefs blocking your success

  • Heal trauma and negative experiences 

  • Guide you to have healthy relationships

  • Create the life you dream of


"Judith is by far the best I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot. She has amazing ability and warmth. I have recommended Judith to many of my friends.               

                                   Alan Whitehead

(Musician & TV Producer)


 “I disguised my voice so Judith wouldn’t recognise me, she gave me direction and clarity about the charity work I was doing at the time! Very accurate. Thanks to the Bob Jackson Radio Show.”

                       Ricky Tomlinson



 “Judith is a very warm lovely lady, and told me things no one could have known. Great guidance that really helped me, I would highly recommend.”

                      Angie McCartney

(Author & Actor)



Judith has helped thousands of clients worldwide with her ability. She will:


  • Help you overcome problems, and advise you on your Relationships, Career, Finances, Business, Health & Family

  • Discover the fears and blocks that are holding you back from success, and help you create an abundant life

  • Provide insight to the future opportunities that are awaiting you on your life path

  • Help you to discover your life purpose 

  • Bring you comfort, hope, clarity, and peace of mind

"Judy is one of the best in her field. I've been mentored by her for over a year now and wouldn't trust anyone else with my deep inner work"

                                          Clare Harvey

 “Judith is totally amazing! She has given me great guidance, and is very accurate! I recommended her to my friends and family, and now she has helped them too. Thank you!

                               Alice - Switzerland

“Judith has helped me through one of the darkest periods of my life. She would keep checking in to make sure I was ok, and her warmth, love and care, kept me going. Thank you so much!

                                Karen B - America


Judith has helped thousands of clients with her 'Discovering Past Lives Session'

   These sessions will allow you to:


  • Discover who you were in past lives

  • Heal unresolved issues from past lives

  • Uncover present relationships issues

  • Discover and eliminate phobias

  • Eliminate business success blocks

  • Heal individual issues in your life

  • Allow you to create abundance in all areas of your life and career


Past Life Regression

Discover if your past is affecting your present

Work with Judith 1-2-1

to discover what is 'blocking' you from achieving your desires

My Book


The True Meaning of Life

#1 Amazon Bestseller

5* Reviews 

Find the answers to the questions we all ask;

‘What is the purpose of life?’

‘Why am I here?’

‘What happens when we die?’ 

The answers await you in these soul awakening pages…..  

“I had suffered from depression for years and had counselling and other therapies that didn’t work. I came across Judith when I was at my lowest ebb, and suicidal. She gently helped me to rebuild my life, and overcome the abuse I had endured in my childhood. I came off all my anti-depressants, and now I am the happiest I have ever been. I can quite honestly say that I would not still be here if it wasn’t for this therapy. It saved my life. It was hard work, but totally worth it. I cannot praise Judith enough for her help and dedication.

                                                                      Rachel – Manchester

 “Judith helped me overcome depression over five years ago now, after I had suffered for a long time. When I first found Judith I was planning to end my own life. I can honestly say if it wasn't for Judith I would not be here now. She gave me the courage to go into my singing, and the therapy has given me a new sense of life and freedom. Judith helped me change my life. Thank you so much

                                                                    Siobhan – Warrington

“After a string of abusive relationships I became a virtual recluse. I was afraid of strangers and being in open spaces as it made me feel vulnerable to attack, and I would feel a high state of anxiety. Someone recommended Judith to me, and since this therapy, my life has changed dramatically for the better, and Judith has helped me so much! I can begin to live again. Amazing work!


                                                                          Libby – Manchester  


'AWAKENING' - Healing Your Fears & Past Trauma Through Spirituality




In This Program You Will Learn How To:


  • Heal your fears from the root causes

  • Release and heal your past trauma & childhood emotional wounds

  • Eliminate self sabotaging thoughts & behaviours

  • Reprogram your subconscious mind and stop negative patterns that keep repeating in your life

  • Identify & eliminate all the emotional 'blocks' that keep you feeling 'stuck' and stop your progress 

  • Create a life free from fear forever

  • Live a life of abundance through the true Law Of Attraction & Manifesting 

  • Step into your spiritual self-empowerment

  • Make decisions with clarity and confidence that are in total alignment with your Mind, Heart, Intuition & Soul  (using 'The 4 Pillars Of Alignment' © model)

  • Fulfill your highest potential & make your dreams your reality

  • Become the person you have always wanted to be


Join Judith for one of her workshops or events


Allows you to work at your own pace

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